Monday, January 4, 2010

First entry

So, I finally decided to start blogging, seems to be the next big thing, tried twittering, do the facebook thing, but I needed something a little more expressive.

Lets take a look at where this blog should go, having never blooged before, and not really read many blogs, I think that it will give me a bit of a unique idea on what it "should" look like or more appropriately, how it is going to look/work for me.

Those who know me, know that I have a love for music, and that I play guitar almost feverishly. I trade gear out always trying to find the proverbial "perfect tone" and want it to be "my sound" I think I am just about where I want to be for tonal characteristics. Now what am I going to do when it is time for me to come off family leave, and start back into a career... can I make a musical career, can I turn my passion into something I can do everyday and still survive on it? Can I make it a reality, and where would I start in the music business... just a few of the questions that I have been asking myself over the past few months. I am starting to think that it is one of the most difficult career choices financially, especially when I have a family that I am supporting. With different video hosting sites like youtube and the trend of instant gratification, it is probably very unlikely that I will ever produce a proper "album" per se, but if and when I do get into producing my own music it will probably be released as I create, and online only, because really - when was the last time that you can recall buying a CD?

Off for now, but I think that this is going to be a good place for me to talk about life, music and family and all that goes on in my head.

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